Guarana is a stimulant containing between 3.6 and 5.8% caffeine by weight, so between 2 and 3 times the amount for coffee. It comes from the seeds of a South American climbing plants and is used by native Tribes to increase energy levels before hunting. Caffeine is effective at fighting physical and mental fatigue. Guarana stimulates brain function, improving memory and brain function. Guarana accelerates the burning of fat helping with weight loss. Pu-Erh tea was famously promoted by Victoria Beckham in aiding weight loss and being as healthy as green teas. This tea contains Pu-Erh tea (min 79%), Ginkgo leaves, Guarana (min 3.6%) Blackcurrants, Redcurrants, Raspberry leaves, Peony flowers, Cornflowers, and Blackberry leaves. The aroma is delicate but exquisite, the flavour is wonderful. I enjoy Pu-Erh teas, but I think this is my new favourite, tastes fabulous and is good for you. I brewed at 90o for 3 minutes, adjust for taste.
It goes without saying that if you're pregnant (or are under the doctor for anything) caution should be exercised with herbal decoctions.