We have not had this delightful tea for a great many years. It just fell off our radar, but I am delighted to have it back in stock. It consists of a base of fine Yunnan black tea, enriched by citrus flavoured lemongrass and liquorice roots. To add to the delightful look of this tea freeze-dried strawberry pieces and whole blackberries have been blended. To round off this lovely combination vanilla flavouring has been added. Yunnan leaves are said to have an ‘earthy’ taste to them, in a good way, and the overall amalgamation of these quality ingredients have made for a wonderful brew. Small pieces of Hazelnut brittle have been added to give this tea a delicate sweetness. I brewed this tea for three minutes with boiling water and it really is a delightful drink and I’m not a massive fan of Vanilla but the combination was perfect. Maybe drunk whilst enjoying fresh strawberries, scones and clotted cream watching tennis…