Blue Lotus Flower Tea Eye of Horus Improve Sleep Reduce Anxiety Whole Flowers


Blue Lotus Nymphaea caerulea was one of the most important plants of Ancient Egypt. It is a tropical waterlily native to the Nile Delta. To the Egyptians, it was a transcendental messenger of the Gods.  The leaves were felt to be good for liver problems and constipation. As well as an antidote for snake bites and similar poisons. The roots are said to be edible. In an epic battle between Horus and Seth, Seth found Horus asleep and immediately ripped both of Horus’ eyes out and then burying them in the sand, Instantly Blue Lotus flowers emerged from where he planted the eyes. Since then, the ‘Eye of Horus’ has become a symbol of protection and omniscience. In more modern times it has been used both recreationally and medicinally. Most advocates claim it can improve sleep, reduce anxiety, assist with erectile dysfunction and act as a natural aphrodisiac. Blue Lotus may possibly lower blood sugar in some people, so be careful if taking diabetes medication and monitor you blood sugar levels closely.  As well as making tea with the flowers the Ancient Egyptians also use to add a flower to a glass of sweet wine.

It goes without saying that if you're pregnant (or are under the doc for anything) caution should be exercised with herbal decoctions.

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