Ashwagandha Root Indian Ginseng Loose Leaf Healthy Herbal Tea Infusion Viagra


Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with multiple possible health benefits. Studies have suggested that it may help reduce stress and anxiety, promote restful sleep, and even improve cognitive functioning. The botanical name is Withania somnifera and is also known as ‘Indian Ginseng’, and can be substituted for it, giving similar health benefits. Somnifera in Latin means ‘sleep inducing’. Ashwagandha in Sanskrit means ‘smell of the horse’. Most studies undertaken on Ashwagandha have been with specific amounts of extracts or powders for a specific time period against similar groups using a placebo. They have on the whole found evidence to suggest that it may well help with sleep issues, and mental alertness upon waking. The results noted that results were more pronounced in people with insomnia over an eight-week period. Numerous ‘Herbal Viagra’ substitutes include Ashwagandha in their formula and is often recommended to be taken by men for its aphrodisiac powers. Naturally Grown without the use of artificial fertilisers and insecticides. 

It goes without saying that if you're pregnant (or are under the doc for anything) caution should be exercised with herbal decoctions.

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