Agrimony All-Heal Naturally Grown Tea Or Tisane Very Healthy A Lovely Unusual Drink



Agrimonia eupatoria is a species of Agrimony that is commonly referred to as Church Steeples or Sticklewort, due to the seed pods sticking to any animal or person brushing by. The bright yellow flower spikes have a spicy odour like Apricots. It commonly grows in damp meadows or by watersides and can reach up to a metre tall. In ancient times, it was used for foot baths and tired feet. It has also been referred to as an ‘All-Heal’ and felt to be a panacea. The ancient Greeks used it for eye ailments, as a wash, and diarrhoea, gallbladder disorders, as well as liver and kidney problems. Anglo-Saxons boiled it in milk to improve erectile performance. According to a  report published in 1990 by the German Federal Commission helped with ‘mild nonspecific, acute diarrhoea’. It has also been used for sore throat, upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, fluid retention, bleeding, corns, and warts. So obviously well liked in times past. It is astringent, slightly bitter with a lemony flavour, the tannins produced in steeping this tea become more pronounced the longer the brew.

It goes without saying that if you're pregnant (or are under the doctor for anything) caution should be exercised with herbal decoctions.

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