Marshmallow Leaf Herbal Tea Anti-Inflammatory Coughs Infections Ulcers Skin Care


Althea officinalis, the delightful Marshmallow has long been used medicinally, Marshmallow sweets were originally a gooey treat eaten by Ancient Egyptians as early as 2000 BCE and reserved for Gods and Royalty only. It was the viscous root sap that was mixed with nuts and honey. Marshmallow contains anti-inflammatory properties that might decrease coughs and fight infections. It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it has some potent natural properties, Arab people have made poultices from the leaves and applied them to the skin to reduce inflammation. Both the root and the leaves contain this gummy substance called mucilage. When mixed with water, it forms a slick gel obviously useful for both coating the throat and stomach, apparently good for ulcers, as well as topically for damaged skin. 

It goes without saying that if you're pregnant (or are under the doc for anything) caution should be exercised with herbal decoctions.

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