Hawthorn is a well-known garden or hedging plant found throughout Britain. Crataegus oxycantha, also called May Tree, Mayflower or Maythorn, as well as Quickthorn. The young leaves can be eaten fresh and are rich in amino acids, and minerals, and have a high therapeutic and health value. Many studies show that Hawthorn has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-cardiovascular disease, and digestive enhancing properties. The flavonoids in Hawthorn may interact with key enzymes to enhance the heart muscles’ ability to contract. Note, that Hawthorn will not stop an angina attack. You should not take Hawthorn with other heart medicines, including Digitalis. Also, don’t take Hawthorn if you are taking sedatives or sleeping medicines. Also, you shouldn’t take Hawthorn if you are taking phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Other than that Hawthorn leaves are generally felt to be beneficial towards Anxiety, Indigestion, Inflammation, and Atherosclerosis.
It goes without saying that if you're pregnant (or are under the doctor for anything) caution should be exercised with herbal decoctions.