Sea Buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides is a lovely silver leaved native shrub, found all over northern Europe. The genus name Hippophae comes from the ancient Greek word, hippo, meaning horse and phaos, meaning to shine and is due to the ancient Greek use of Sea Buckthorn leaves as horse fodder to make their coats shine more. This blend has a minimum of 89% special grade Rooibos and over 10% Sea Buckthorn berries, as well as natural aroma, Sunflower petals and Safflower petals. The fruit is rich in Phytosterols, with beta-sitosterol being the major sterol compound at it constitutes up to 83% of total sterols. β-Sitosterol is being studied for its potential to reduce benign prostatic hyperplasia (also called prostate enlargement) and blood cholesterol levels. The fruit is also high in vitamin C, 400mg per 100g, high concentrations of vitamin E and K as well as Vitamin B12. Rich also in potassium, manganese, and copper. So pretty healthy then.