This premium blend may well become one of our best sellers. The main ingredient is Pai Mu Tan, making up just under four fifths of the blend, mixed with Chinese Sencha, then Japanese Kukicha Twig tea is added. This White and Green tea blend is then flavoured with dried Dragon Fruit, Lemongrass, dried Kiwi and Raspberry pieces and finally sprinkled with Pomegranate arils.
This wonderful beverage is full of healthy properties, rich in antioxidants for reducing the effects of aging and strengthening your immune system. Reducing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels. As well as having anti-inflammatory properties. This tea is also lower in caffeine than most other green teas.
Use hot water at 75oC and infuse for between two and three minutes, feel free to re-infuse three or more times. Try this tea as a cold infusion, steeping the leaves overnight in fresh cold water in the fridge. Cold infusing produces very low caffeine.