A blended second flush assortment of medium dark sinensis leaves with some tips. Actually blended in Darjeeling rather than over here. This high grade, quality tea is spicy and fully aromatic, not a common everyday tea but a delight for a special occasion. This wonderful blend produces a bronze coloured cup with a harmonious spicy flavour.
Generally one would have this tea black and if prepared correctly should not need milk. I used water just off boiling point at 90 degrees Centigrade, you should not need to infuse for too long a time, a couple of minutes is what I usually go for, but feel free to adjust for personal preference. You may wish to garnish this tea with a slice of orange, traditionally a slice of lemon was used but then sugar was added to counter the acidic taste.
This really is a lovely 'Afternoon Tea' and I really enjoyed this remarkably good Darjeeling. Whether it's because I chose to treat it like an Oolong when brewing, or because the blending has been done using some fantastic gold and silver tips, this really is a great drink.