Darjeeling Naturally Grown First Flush Blend 1st Flush Leaf Tea Champagne of Teas


Darjeeling Tea unlike most Indian teas are normally made from the small-leaved Chinese variety of Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, rather than the large-leaved Assam plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica.  Although Darjeeling teas are marketed commercially as "black teas", almost all of them have incomplete oxidation < 90%, so they are technically more Oolong than black. 

Darjeeling teas are referred to as ‘The Champagne of Teas’. This Naturally Grown Leaf Blend is blended in Darjeeling and is great value especially as a First Flush tea. Due to the Pandemic Covid-19 and resulting shut-downs Darjeeling teas are going to be in noticeably short supply.   

You would not usually take milk in a Darjeeling preferring perhaps to add a small slice of lemon or possibly better still a small slice of orange.

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