Nilgiri Chai Black Tea Highest Pure Grade Loose Leaf Tea Indian Classic Spiced Best Quality Ayurvedic


We enjoy adding to our range of teas and are delighted to offer a subtle variation on our usual popular Black Chai. This one comes from southern India and is produced using leaves from Chinese Camellia plants imported by the British from Chinese seeds, in 1835. The tea growing area of Nilgiri is sufficiently different to other Indian teas to be granted in 2008, Geographical Indication Status. Added to the black tea are pieces of cinnamon and ginger, cloves, red peppercorns, and cardamom pods. It not only looks beautiful but smells fantastic. The term Chai is Hindi and is derived from the Chinese word for tea, Cha. Usually when spices are added to the tea it is referred to as Masala Chai, but really as there are many different variations of the tea, the term Chai is now an all-encompassing term to cover all spiced teas. This tea is a great addition to our range and I’m positive will become extremely popular. It usually has milk added to it as this rounds off the whole taste and takes away some of the spiciness, but I drank mine black and it was delightful.

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