Darjeeling TGFOP Green Loose Leaf Champagne Tea Blended in Himalayan Foothills


I'm pleased to introduce another green Darjeeling to our tea collection. This brew is a delightful addition. My first infusion was delicate with just one and a half minutes of steeping. My second infusion at three minutes, was robust yet not bitter. I brewed it at 80°C, as with all green teas. Depending on time spent steeping this should be perfect for all green tea enthusiasts. Since 11th November 2016, 'Darjeeling' is a Protected Geographical Indication, though this only applies to fermented teas—so technically, this isn't a Darjeeling, obviously I am continuing to call this a Darjeeling as accurately that is where it’s from. Blended in West Bengal State in the Himalayan Foothills.

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