Welsh Breakfast Fair Trade Pekoe Fannings Grade 1 Loose Leaf Black Tea Kenya


This Pekoe Fannings Leaf Tea comes from the Kenya Tea Development Agency. The KTDA is a private company owned by 600,000 smallholder tea farmers, spread across 16 tea growing counties in Kenya, east of the Rift Valley. The KTDA is also a member of the Rainforest Alliance. This certification ensures the farmers adhere to best agricultural practices for land use, farm management and protection of the natural resources for sustainable tea farming. This is a bright golden coloured liquor with a distinctive, high-quality flavour, that has been specially chosen by us to ideally suit the lovely soft waters of Wales.  PF or Pekoe Fannings is the term used to describe the leaf size. Also called CTC or Cut Torn Curled, the Pekoe Fannings are small in size meaning that they produce a strong cup of tea, quite quickly. I enjoyed this tea but brewed it slightly less than usual as I had it without milk, obviously adjust for personal taste.

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