English Afternoon Tea Best Quality Loose Leaf Black Tea Traditional Blend


This fine blend of Sri Lankan, Darjeeling and Nilgiri teas is the epitome of the English Afternoon tea. According to Google, Afternoon tea at four O’clock became an institution initiated in 1840 by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, at her home in Woburn Abby. Apparently ‘fed up’ with being hungry during the day and having to wait for the evening’s meal which started at 8 pm, she started a trend which soon became the talk of the town. She served as Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria and this friendship ensured that anyone who was anyone, (apart from the vast majority of people who didn’t employ staff,) would take a break from their heavy schedule of being rich and elegant and stopped for tea and dainty cakes. Alas, this is most likely apocryphal, coming from a German aristocratic tradition of tea and cakes being taken at 5 pm.

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