Honduras Gloria Maribel Orellana Fair Trade Whole Coffee Bean Speciality


 We love our speciality coffees, especially those promoting women farmers. AMPROCAL is an all women cooperative in Ocotepeque, Honduras that connects farmers, such as Gloria Maribel Orellana, with international markets. Her farm is Fair Trade and she grows Bourbon, Catucai, Caturra, Pacas and Typica strains of coffee. These beans are grown without the use of chemicals, fertilisers, and pesticides. The beans are washed Strictly High Grown, between 1000 and 1700 metres above sea level and European Processed for guaranteed extra quality. They are pulped and milled at the AMPROCAL facilities. This coffee scores 83.5 with the Speciality Coffee Association. By drinking this coffee, you are helping to empower women farmers and you are helping to break down gender imbalances in the coffee industry. Nearly half the world’s coffee production is carried out by women and yet only 3% of the land used for growing the coffee is actually owned by women.

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