Costa Rican Hermosa Premium Washed Whole Coffee Beans Medium Roast Freshly Ground


This coffee is produced by Coope Dota, established in 1960, they represent around 900 small growers and hold the title as the first coffee processor in the world to be certified as carbon neutral, back in 2011. The varietals grown are mainly Caturra and Catuai with some Obata, the cross between Timor Hybrid and Villa Sarchi. The coffee is hand-picked and pulped mechanically, leaving it super clean ready for the fermentation stage and drying on patios. This coffee is grown at high altitudes 1500m to 1800m and is harvested between December and March and is fully washed. Scoring 84 by the Speciality Coffee Association this is a great coffee. It has a flavour profile of caramelised, chocolate, floral, honey, and peach. Hermosa is Spanish for Beautiful. 

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