This Fair Trade coffee from near one of Brazil’s most famous coffee towns, Carmo de Minas. The farm is found in the hills of Serra da Mantiqueira at an altitude of 1000 meters. The ripest fruit are between May and August. The trees are a combination of Bourbon and Catuai varieties. I love the Bourbon variety of Arabica coffee and this blends well with the Catuai beans, producing a good coffee that scores a solid 80 with the SCA, Medium roasted it produces a creamy, nutty, and sweet fruity coffee with no acidity. The beans are Natural Processed so Sun-dried and although I usually prefer a Washed or Honey Processed, this is still a good tasting coffee. Care is taken to ensure an evenly thin layer of beans can uniformly dry before being rested in wooden bins prior to milling. The beans are sized 15 up so roughly equivalent to an AB grade or an Excelso in Colombian terms.