Shou Mei Longevity Eyebrow is an exquisite Chinese White Tea. It is harvested in the mid to late season from the Large White cultivars of Da Bai, traditionally used to produce Yin Zhen Silver Needles. This tea originates from the same plants that are used to create our popular Pai Mu Tan, making it akin to an end-of-summer autumnal plucked White Peony Tea. Visually, it closely resembles our Café Grade Pai Mu Tan. To compare their flavours, I brewed a cup of each using the same method: 75°C for approximately 3 minutes. The Shou Mei exhibited a more pronounced taste compared to the Café Grade, with characteristics more reminiscent of an Oolong rather than a green or white tea. This stronger profile is attributable to the older leaves used in its production, which develop greater strength and body over time. The tea leaves emit a distinct, pleasant herbaceous aroma. The name Shou Mei is associated with the Chinese God of Longevity, Shou Lao, who is often depicted as an old man with exceptionally long eyebrows. While Chun Mee or Chun Mei, known as Precious Eyebrow Tea, is another rolled tea, the irregular nature of Shou Mei leaves makes it challenging to directly compare them to the eyebrows of an elderly man. Nevertheless, the charming tale adds to the appeal of this distinguished tea.