Wahana Estate was established in 2005 and has 250 hectares under coffee cultivation plus 30 hectares of nursery, where they grow unusual cultivars such as Andong Sari, Jember and Jantung as well as the more recognisable Villa Sarchi, Catuai and Pacamara. The Pacamara is an El Salvadorian selective cross between a Maragogype and Pacas, being a good cropper with large cherries. The estate provides free housing, water, and electricity to the 1000 workers, plus has an on-site free health centre, and children’s nursery and school. This coffee scores a good 84.5 with the SCA, and comes with coffee notes of Brown Sugar, Chocolate, and Pineapple. I felt it was just a great Indonesian full-bodied superior coffee that deserved a place in our collection.