Pai Mu Tan is, I believe, the best-known White tea available. It is certainly our most popular both with customers as well as staff and family. This Café Grade is technically known as 6902 and is from the Main Flush. The two other numbered grades are 6901, called High Grade and 6900 referred to as Special Grade. These would correspond to the Indian style classification as ‘Orange Pekoe’, ‘Orange Pekoe 2nd Flush’ and ‘Orange Pekoe 1st Flush’. We sold countless chests of this grade in our Tea and Coffee Shop. Originally, they came in a wooden tea chest but now arrive in a cardboard ‘chest’. White teas are drunk not only for their delightful flavour but also the large amount of health-giving properties they impart. White teas are usually sun-dried and withered with no steaming as is typical for green teas.